Wednesday, April 27, 2011

studying for finals... who needs it?

I WAS- A wizard in my former life. And had a talking dog sidekick. That was my best friend.

I AM- Now a married gal with the "sweetest" hubby & life I could ask for. Sweet.

I THINK-  Rarely. If ever.

I WONDER-  Why oh why are some people allowed out of their houses and wander into my place of work on days when I am fresh out of patience?

I WISH- I was a bajillionaire. Like a millionaire, but foxier.

I SAVE- Love notes my husband writes me so I can show them to our grand kids when we are 100 and still in love.

I ALWAYS- Am thinking about food. See me looking off  into space with my eyes glazed over? I am reminiscing about what I had for lunch.

I CAN'T- Do math that well. Which is funny, cause I work at a credit union. Where I am surrounded by math and decimals.

I BELIEVE- I have the greatest mother on the planet earth. She even rivals the other great mothers that inhabit different planets.

I PROMISE- To never let myself weigh over 350 lbs.

I LOVE- My husband. and jelly beans.

1 comment:

  1. ahahaha. i like. possibly gonna copy. Not gonna lie, that's adorable scot made you a basket. you didn't go to prom? Shocking!! Can't wait to see you two!
