Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Changing my name to Slacker Sweet

I really am neglecting my bloggy. Cheers to some much needed blog loving!

Perhaps I should tell you about our life since a whole month ago when I posted last, eh? Alrighty.

School is out!!! YEAAH! Scot passed his horrid math class with a B- which is honestly a blessing, because we both are terrible at math. Scot got his Associates Degree too!!! :) I did great in my classes and am all signed up for dreaded fall semester.
My litter sister graduated from high school and is now old, which makes me practically prehistoric. We went to her graduation and I got to see all my little "sisters", it was grand.

                                                               my baby sister and I
                                            my other baby sister and I, Cheidu Nkwocha :)
                                                        Mckenna, Emily, me, and Em
mom em and dad

Scot and I decided it was about time we took our boat out for a lil test drive to kick off the summer. We brought my two little brothers and their friend... I forgot his name. But it was awesome! I was absolutely freaked out when Scot turned off the boat in the middle of the lake and told me I had to learn how to drive it.
You see, I have had horrible altercations with boats. I dislike them. and all water sports. And how i married a man that is in love with boats more than life itself, is beyond me.

So, Scot taught me how to drive and to pull wakeboarders up out of the water. My brother Andy got up on the wakeboard for a while! It was so cool to look back as i was driving and see him crusin along!

We played at the lake for a couple hours and went to my moms for pizza and a movie.

We had a blasty blast.

1 comment:

  1. what?? no air scot?? you getting old. can't get your but up anymore.
