Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I am finally Mrs. Melissa Sweet. And I have to say, it feels even better than I thought it would! I absolutely love being married. (I know I have only been married a week and 3 days, but thus far it has been wonderful. haha!)

Our wedding was PERFECT. Literally. As Scot always tells me, "if there was a way it was suppose to be, this is it!" Absolute perfection. Now we don't have any pictures up yet, his uncle Sam took pics at our wedding and handed us 6 cd's full of pictures on sunday and we have yet to upload them onto our computer. But they will come! Don't you worry!
        We were sealed by Scot's grandfather Ray White in the St. George Temple. Ray wrote President Monson and asked for permission because he only has his sealers license in Texas now. President Monson wrote him back and told him it was okay if he sealed us here in Utah. I thought it was extrememly special that we had that opportunity! It was beautiful. I can't think of a word that I can even describe how amazing it was! My grandfather told his grandfather that it was the best sealing he has ever been to in his whole 83 years of living. It was sooo magnificant. We are so blessed to have so many people that care about us and so many people traveled from all over to see us in the Temple and I am so grateful for them. It was the best day of my life and it always will be. Thank you. 
After we took pictures outside the Temple we headed over to the reception site and ate lunch, the whole wedding party came that was at the Temple so it was fun! I have to tell you how hard my whole entire Ward worked to make my reception happen. Honestly, if it wasn't for them I would have had to have a reception in my moms basement with our food storage as treats. They literally did EVERYTHING for the reception. I am so SO SO SO blessed. You guys have no idea! Like total service project style times 5000 = my wedding reception. Everyone was a part of it and helped and I am so happy and thankful!!! It honestly was the best. Ah.
I saw so many friends and family at my reception! It was great! All of my family from Texas on my dads side were there and it was so funny because Scot's grandparents live in Texas now and appparently they know my Grammie and they live in the same stake down there! They were pals! Who woudla known! I loved it! haha.
We stood in the line for decades... okay maybe like an hour and half. but it seemed to be FOREVER. but it was fantastic to see so many people that I love in one place! Yeaaaah! We had tons of fun! After cutting the cake and throwing the flowers (taylor totally caught the boquet... she's getting married next!) we finally got to leave together and head off to Las Vegas to the MGM Grand! and that's where I'll leave ya and tell you in my next post about our honeymoon and have pics. Right now I need to go help my frustrated husband figure out the carpet cleaner.


  1. oh you sound so happy. glad it went so well!!! you made a beautiful bride!!!
