Friday, September 3, 2010

The Wedding Can

Hey guys, I'm gonna share something real neat with ya!
When I was a little girl, twelve years old to be exact, I was a Beehive in Young Women's. And we did a really special activity that I thought was silly at the time, because I was twelve, but it turned out to be so fun now that I'm 20yrs old and getting married! All of us made what we called our "Wedding Can", and this activity took us a couple weeks to finish. We collected letters and notes written to us from our Grandmothers, old friends, and Mom and Dad. The letters were to us on our wedding day, or as we are engaged to be married. So I gathered up notes from my loved ones, they even gave me some beautiful jewelry and special things, like the gold and pearl necklace my Grammie and Grandpa Perkins gave to my mom on her wedding day!  Then my leaders sealed up the can and told us to put it away until we were engaged and were soon to be married. I have waited 8 years to open this thing! For a while there I forgot it even existed, it was sitting in the back of my closet covered in a blanket of dust.
 I made it in 2002. That seems like centuries ago!!

There were some treasures in the can that made me so happy when I saw them. I put in a picture of the St. George Temple and my mom gave me the wedding bell that was on top of her and my dad's cake.

On the back of the picture of the Temple scrawled in my twelve year old handwriting was this note :

It says, " This is the lovely Temple I will get married in! - Melissa Perkins
age 12 / September 24-2002". It's SO WONDERFUL to look at that and know that I am fulfilling the dreams I had as a little girl! - that sounds soo cheesy, but it's true! It makes me so happy!

The last interesting tidbit I found in my Wedding Can was this:
It's a signed contract saying that I will return the dollar I borrowed from my old bishop once I am ready to be married in the Temple. Isn't that so funny? I can't wait to give this back to him on Sunday!

I am so grateful that I have made good choices and tried so hard to make that dream I had as a little girl a reality now. It's definitely been a challenge, but it's almost here and I am honestly SO excited to be sealed to Scot for all eternity. The coolest part of saying that we will be together forever is that literally, we will be. It's really going to happen, and I REALLY will be Scot's best friend and eternal companion for the rest of our lives here on earth and our lives in Heaven. He's the greatest guy ever, and I'm so blessed to have met him. Thank goodness for that random Geology class we met each other in! ha ha. The Gospel makes me incredibly thankful and I am thrilled that Scot and I are going to be sealed in the Temple in only 61 days! BOOOOYA!
There's my sweet little blog post. :)

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention we are headed up to West Valley City (Scot's hometown) tomorrow, so Scot can be ordained an Elder by his dad in his home ward! SO EXCITING! I will make sure to take some pics of our trip :)

1 comment:

  1. Awwww i almost got choked up when i read that note you wrote yourself. I simply love this post and your wedding can and you and Scot getting married in the temple! ;)
