Sunday, October 31, 2010


Six days.
Six days until I can finally stop counting. Because when you get sealed in the Temple, you don't ever have to count again because you will be with that person (in my case, an adorable, sexy man with the last name of Sweet) literally the rest of FOREVER. That is what I am most excited about. Being with Scot ALL THE TIME! Okay, sometimes and more so alot of the time, I annoy the heck out of this boy. Same goes for him. But somehow we are so freakin' perfect for each other its ubelievable. How do I know this? Because I have that feeling confirmed to me by the Holy Ghost quite a bit. I don't know if all of you have heard this story, but alot of ya'll have... I'm gonna tell it anyways.

        A year ago on Scot's birthday, October 27th (3 days after our first kiss, and 6 days after our first date after geology class) I walked into his apartment with a ridiculously childish birthday card I had drawn for him with a elephant wearing a party hat on it. At the time I thought it was cute and creative but as I was walking up the stairs to his door my mind was being filled with many thoughts... "WHY did I make a birthday card with an elephant on it? WHY do I always draw like a five year old? WHY am I so into him? WHY do I think this will be impressive to a 21 year old male?", as you can see most of the thoughts were "WHY'S". As I knocked on the door and he opened it, looking so darling I could barely contain my abnormaly huge smile, I felt the strongest sensation of peace I had ever felt. I walked inside and set the silly birthday card down and took a few steps into his kitchen where he was starting to make a birthday cake (which is now my kitchen, YAY!) I felt another strong and startling impression. It was as if someone had literally shouted in my ears "this is the boy you will marry someday". I was SO weirded out at myself. I took another step and the same voice shouted once more, "this is the boy you will marry someday"... really? i've known him for a week! I was a little freaked out and wondered why I was thinking that about some boy I had met in a college class a week before. But as I stood there, I said the same thought aloud in my head...."this is the boy I will marry someday"... and I looked over at Scot, he turned and smiled. My heart was filled with everything right and pure at that moment I knew it was true. So, had been dating (well not even "officially" dating yet) a mere SIX days I knew in my heart Scot would be my husband. We were not even officially boyfriend-girlfriend yet! But the Holy Ghost told me that day and I listened. The moment I kissed Scot I knew I was done. I was done with searching for anyone or anything else. Here's a sweet pic of us on his b-day last year :)

                        october 27th, 2009 :)                   

Six days until I am a wife. That is quite a day. Six days until we leave on our honeymoon... and looking forward to it! vacation! Six days until our reception and we get to see so many family and friends and be reunited with all of them at the same time! Six days until Scot can FINALLY wear his wedding ring. I love that thing. Six days until the happiest day of my life. And all these events are happening on the SIXTH of November. THAT IS IN JUST SIX DAYS! Like it hasn't even hit me yet all the way that it's THIS WEEKEND. We have been engaged since July and November seemed like years away and it has taken so long I kinda never really thought it'd get here... but it's FINALLY HERE! I AM SO EXCITED!!
In more recent news, on Tuesday is the big day for my family... we will be sealed for eternity on November 2nd! I also have waited a looong time for that day too. And it's finally here!
Everyone keeps saying "my, what a big week you have!" UM, YEAH!  The wonderful-ness is so overwhelming I don't even know what to do with myself. Shout out to my whole ward for being so helpful with the wedding and signing up to make treats and clean up! You guys are my family and I love you all so much! YOU ROCK! Shout out to everyone that has helped me and my family with all the wedding stuff. :)
I am about to rock this week so hard. Saturday will be a party and I expect all my family and especially friends to make it to my reception! The "big day" is literally around the corner! Am I ready? HECK YEAH! Do I have everything figured out? almost. Am I nervous? definitely not, just excited! Am I ready to be a "Sweet"? I am! Tough shoes to fill but I can handle it!
                           excited and anxious,
                                         Melissa Ruth Perkins (almost Sweet) <3

1 comment:

  1. i know you guys told me this story last summer, but hearing it from your detailed perspective again is soooo great! That's so spiritual and romantic! I can't wait 2 fall in love too! haha! Love you meliss!
